Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yo Lady Gaga I got a bone to pick with you and I ain't talkin about yo britches

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury I have on trial here Riskay featuring Aciance and Real. The charges I bring forth are failure to maintain talent and impersonating a human being. My evidence, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC8GTmX2G5w . My deepest apologies for causing all of you to witness such a horrible sight but let's be frank here. When ....WHEN...did a song entitled Smell Yo Dick ever become a good idea. This has got to be the absolute worse idea in the history of mankind. I'm talking worse than giving Rodney Dangerfield an Album entitled "Rapping Rodney."(that is completely factual by the way) AND STILL I'd most likely listen to that over Smell Yo Dick. This song is the equivalent of a musical holocaust. I can't even begin to fathom the thought that some dumbass produced this and was ever under the impression that this is talent, or even music for that matter. What has happened to our generation. I fear my generation's oldies stations will be plagued with such crap as Nickleback Lady Gaga and all things Miley Cyrus . Now now. before you get bent out of shape about my Lady Gaga comment , let me explain. Yes I do know Lady Gaga's songs. Yes, they are catchy.And Yes, I do know how the song goes. But, don't think for one moment I would stretch my imagination as far as to say talented. It's just not. (Sorry Sarah.) Back to my point, Where is the true talent of my generation. Who is our Led Zeppelin? Does my generation have a parallel Mick Jagger? Or will we be faced to settle for Usher? Man does my generation need a Bob Dylan. Their is no political motivation and deep understanding behind popular music now. The only concept contemporary music can acquire is "Don’t stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, I’mma fight ‘Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party don’t stop no." Really people, this is what you send through your airwaves? Music today makes my entire generation sound like a hoard of ignorant, selfish, horny, and alcoholic preteens. Their is no greater meaning behind the lyrics, the song is as shallow as a puddle and the surface is a deep as it gets. Picture this, I'm 67 years old and I hop in my Crown Victoria, I lean over the steering wheel and turn the FM onto 98.3 "The Oldies." The first song that plays is BedRock by Youngmoney featuring Lloyd, "Call me Mr.Flintstone, I can make your bedrock" ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaROUIS3Iq4.... I don't think so. I mean lets be honest all it takes now a days is a good synthesizer and you're fucking famous. This leads me to the questions, is Rock and Roll dead? If I had to answer that question, I'd say No. I still believe their are keepers of the faith, but it seems as though this fight between talent and new wave "shit" is not exactly equal. I leave you with some parting words from a musical prophet Robert Zimmerman (Bod Dylan)
"“May you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true. May you always know the truth and see the lights surrounding you. May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong. May you stay forever young."
(Now that is God Damn lyric)

That was my rant and now I'm done.

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